Addiction Treatment in Cypress, California
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Looking for Addiction Treatment and Drug Rehab in Cypress, California?
Addiction Treatment at Cypress, California provides a comprehensive approach to treating drug and alcohol addictions, and provides a holistic approach. This means that, unlike many other residential treatment programs, there is a good balance of group counseling and individual therapy, and that each individual’s personality and history play an important role in his or her success.
You have probably heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and other similar recovery oriented programs. The program at Cypress, California takes a different approach. The first part of the treatment plan is known as the “Home Base.” At home, a patient’s family and friends can help him or her overcome any emotional trauma, anxiety or stress that may be causing his or her problem.
Then, the patient will take part in a series of drug detoxification sessions that are designed to eliminate all the drugs from the addict’s system. Drug detoxification involves a complete physical and psychological evaluation and is usually followed by therapy sessions to assist with the emotional healing process. As a result, the addict is able to return to work, participate actively in the community, and lead a healthy life.
The addiction treatment at Cypress, California follows the same model as outpatient treatment programs. But instead of using an inpatient rehab facility, the recovery program is located at a residential treatment center, which provide the family with a warm welcome, and a place to turn for emotional support.
The residential program at Cypress, California focuses on the physical, mental and emotional needs of the addict and also helps the patient to make a new start. After his or her stay at the residential rehab, the addict returns to his or her normal life at the residential treatment center.
If you or someone you love has an alcohol or substance abuse problem, please consider a residential treatment center. You will find a great deal of support and help with your recovery here, and many programs offer the best chance of long-term success.
At Cypress, California, the outpatient treatment program follows a different philosophy than the residential treatment center. There, the addict stays for only a few days, during which time he or she is given a detoxification treatment. and a self-help program that teaches the person to live without alcohol and other substances.
The outpatient treatment at the program focuses on the patient’s family and friends for the patient’s emotional healing and reintegration into the community. The patient learns to develop effective communication skills and how to set realistic goals, and work within a group. The program teaches the patient to take responsibility for his or her own life.
This outpatient program focuses on family life by focusing on the social aspect of recovery, including work, school, and recreation. After several months of outpatient treatment, the patient returns to his or her family for a one-on-one treatment.
Because the addiction treatment at the residential treatment center includes a complete detoxification treatment, there is no need to return for another detoxification treatment when the patient leaves the program. Instead, the addict goes back to his or her family for one on one counseling sessions.
While attending the residential center, the addict is encouraged to work on his or her recovery with group activities such as yoga classes, group meetings, or work on a personal business. After many months, the patient moves back to his or her family and the outpatient treatment program at the residential center is continued with outpatient treatment and counseling and is completed.
You and your loved one deserve the best from an addiction treatment program. In this case, at the residential center at Cypress, California, your loved one can learn to get on track with life without the worry of returning to his or her addiction. So, contact an addiction treatment center near you for an inpatient treatment today.
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(888) 655-1782
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